Why Work with Us?

Investment Support Services

  • Who we are: Dr.Brody is the principal consultant managing ATB’s consulting engagements. As necessary, ATB assembles additional experienced, expert resources required to meet your needs. With these experts, ATB "hits the ground running"and minimizes "on-the-job learning".

  • Why we are different: ATB does not sell pre-packaged services. We have extensive experience in business management, engineering, marketing, sales, intellectual property and research,in both commercial and academic environments. With this, ATB helps you to define and validate issues and opportunities, which can then serve as the most meaningful starting point in a collaborative, professional engagement.

  • How we work together
  • : Given the starting point, ATB works with you to define the engagement objectives, activities, deliverables, schedules and assumptions, and the responsibilities of the parties in a unified Statement of Work (SoW). The SoW meets your specific needs, helping you solve your problems or take advantage of opportunities, as opposed to trying to have you adapt to a standard engagement format.

  • Led Systems Integration and Testing (SI&T) technical due diligence team for analyzing risks associated with a multi-billion dollar loan to a large telecommunications service provider to be made by an international consortium of banks. Risks were analyzed with respect to impact on cost, schedule and performance.  SI&T and Business Readiness due diligences required the integration of data from complex project schedules, engineering plans, vendor capabilities and technology choices.

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